Jennifer is a sixth grader from a small town in Ernakulam, Kerala, whose life is defined by relentless challenges. Her father, a daily wage painter, struggles to support their family on just ₹15,000 a month. But Jennifer’s struggles extend beyond financial hardships—she suffers from severe hearing loss in both ears, which makes it hard to focus in school. At home, she’s the caretaker for her mother, who is fighting lung cancer. Despite all this, Jennifer harbours an unshakable dream: to become a pilot.
However, when she joined EmpowerEd Foundation’s skill development program in grade 5, she had failed multiple subjects and struggled to meet the passing marks. With parents having no formal education and no financial resources for extra support, her future looked uncertain!
But the program transformed Jennifer’s life. The academic support helped her rebuild focus and confidence while hearing aids provided through a compassionate partner opened a new world of clarity. Jennifer credits EmpowerEd’s brain exercises for sharpening her focus and making her more engaged and confident in her learning.
“I never thought I could enjoy learning, but now I love going to school. I feel more confident in myself, and I even joined the church choir!” she says, her face lighting up with a smile.
Her hard work, combined with her teacher’s support, is yielding results. In grade 6, her overall average rose from 18% to 21%. Though there’s still much to achieve, these small but tangible improvements mark the beginning of a brighter future.
Jennifer’s teachers have been a constant source of encouragement, pushing her to keep going despite the obstacles she faces. They’ve noticed her increased focus and engagement in class and believe in her potential.
Jennifer’s journey is far from over. It’s a testament to the transformative power of education, resilience, and community support.
With continued guidance and hard work, Jennifer is taking steps towards her goal of pursuing a career in aviation. Join us in empowering children like Jennifer. Together, we can help them overcome their challenges and build a brighter future where they can achieve their dreams, no matter the odds.